YES!!!! im finnally making it to the BIGTIME!


Active member
Jun 20, 2000
<tt> Hello,

I am Mr. Vladimir Timiski, I am writing you this email,
on personal ground and implore you to get back to me
in earnest.

An Australian businessman made 16 months fixed deposit
with Alliance Leicester Commercial Bank. Leicestershire, UK.
were I work and presently occupy the position of Operations

His 16 months fixed deposit upon maturity is valued at
8 Eight Million GBP, the equivalent of $14.8 Million USD.
After maturity, 2 yrs ago, I personally sent several
notice for a consecutive period of 8 months, but heard
nothing from him. I later found out that himself had
family had drown when his boat capsized.

With issues like this at hand, there ought to be a NEXT-
OF-KIN To claim his deposit now that he is dead, which
prompted my Search into his file, only to discover that
he hadn't no NEXT-OF-KIN in all the documents relating
to his now matured $14.8 Million USD deposit.

As you read this Email, $14.8 Million USD lay in my bank
with no one to ever come for claims till eternity comes,
but stands a chance to be confiscated to the coffers of
already rich Alliance Leicester Bank i.e. if after five
years no one presents himself as the NEXT-OF-KIN, (2 yrs
gone by already and no one will ever come).

My proposal;

I am prepared to place you as the NEXT-OF-KIN in a
position to instruct Alliance Leicester Bank to release
the deposit to you as the closest surviving relative.
Upon receipt of the deposit in your account, I am prepared
to share the money with you equal half i.e. $7.4 Million
USD each.

I would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me,
but this you know will be unprofessional of me, and would
have drawn a straight line in my involvement in claiming
the deposit. I assure you that I could have the deposit
released to you within weeks. I will simply inform the bank
of the final closing of the file relating to the Australian,
I will then officially communicate with my Bank and instruct
them to release the deposit to you.

I am a family man and this is an opportunity to provide
them with new opportunities. it is a task well worth
taking as I am the only one who know of this situation
and you also as you digest this message.

If you give me positive signals, I will initiate this
process towards a speedy conclusion. I wouldn’t you
contact me through my official phone lines or do I
want you contacting me through my official email
account either. You will have to Contact me only
through my personal email address below, and then my
personal Telephone Number I will provide you as soon
as I hear positively from you

Your having to contact me through my official email account
will jeopardize this deal if my company should know I have
a direct personal relationship with you. My official lines
are not secure lines as they are periodically monitored
to assess our level of customer relation in line with
Management policy, Please do observe this instruction

Do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord,
we should plan a meeting, soon. Should you be interested
please send me the following below:

1. YOUR NAME:...............
2. YOUR PHONE NUMBER:...............

to my personal email add below:

After which I will provide you with more details of this

Expecting to hear positively from you soonest.

Best Regards
Mr. Vladimir Timiski


I will be sending him my SS number also so he can have more info and get to me quicker this is AWESOME news I finally get to rid myself of crazy men like ole' Skinsraj and desethi.... sure maybe ill throw there fucken asses 50dimes each and a dozen bagels
that will be chump change why you ask? because ill be a fucken MILLIONAIRE!!! :money:

Oct 31, 2004

He wrote me first, and I get first dibs at the 14 million dollars.

RX Senior
Nov 7, 2004
Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that those messages aren't legit.

Guess I better double check my bank account and credit report.


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